…but easier, more direct, digital, safer, more reliable, indestructible, and available offline!
Handycash is a revolutionary new technology and an innovative ecosystem that allows users to carry electronic cash on their mobile phone instead of physical notes and coins: safer, more reliable, and indestructible!

Install the app.
Activate the app via S-S verification.
No personal data required.

Via terminals, cash register systems, payroll deduction, self-service machines, credit cards, Paypal, or bank transfer
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Pay cashless at machines, cash registers, and over the counter using your mobile phone – even when offline!
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what is handycash?
Handycash is a revolutionary new technology and an innovative ecosystem that allows users to carry electronic cash on their mobile phone
instead of physical notes and coins: safer, more reliable, and indestructible!
for whom is handycash?
Handycash is ideal for those who want to offer tailored payment methods or their own internal currency, for example, canteens,
self-service machine operators, schools, cities and municipalities, club hotels, cruise ships, casinos, discos, and many more.
what is required for handycash?
The user only needs an app on their smartphone. A wide range of Handycash system components is available to providers for use at various points of sale.
why handycash?
- Simple and intuitive use
- Low investment in hardware
- No monthly fees, low operating costs
- Constant overview of all transactions and users
- Innovative and unique system
- Developed in Germany and Switzerland
how does handycash work?
The system is based on the patented hash chain process, which was inspired by blockchain technology. A hash chain is a decentralised
digital ledger containing encrypted transactions, which guarantees transparency and security.